Get plenty of rest, every night. Studies show that getting an average of 8.5 hours of sleep every night, boosts your bodies ability to heal itself.
Can't sleep 8.5 hours every night? If you can only sleep 4 hours a night, you can make up the difference by resting in bed for the remaining 4.5 hours. You can also catch up during your days off by lounging during the day and/or taking cat naps.
Another simple and easy way to boost your immune system, is to get 30 minutes of direct sunshine on your skin every day.
Light skinned people need about 30 minutes of direct sunlight between the hours of 10 and 3 pm daily. The darker the pigment of your skin, the longer you need out in the sun each day.
Darker skins may need up to 3 hours of sunshine a day to make the same amount of Vitamin D that a lighter skinned person can make in 20 minutes.
Your body can make up to 20,000 units of free vitamin D from the sun every day. Your body then can use these units to store of reserves throughout the darker months of the year.
Your body makes vitamin D from the Sun during these months:
End of April to end of September... dramatically dropping by November 1st. Vitamin D is the great healer and is super important for proper functioning of the body.
I will share more simple and safe ways to stay healthy during the Covid 19 outbreak.