Thursday, July 23, 2020

Essential Oils Are Dangerous - An herbalist shares the inside scoop

Essential oils have exploded in popularity over the previous years. Thanks to multi level marketing schemes, where moms, neighbors, teachers and basically anyone looking to make a quick buck can sign up to sell these pretty little bottles of "pesticides".

Before you close the page and never return, at least spend a little time and hear me out. Why would I, a local herbalist for over 10 years now, make such an outrageous claim?

When I first started using essential oils a few years ago, i fell in love with their earthy and supposedly natural remedies they promised to share.

My favorite at the time, was Grand Fir. Once ounce of Grand Fir essential oils cost about $27. The smell reminded me of the great evergreen forests of the Pacific Northwest. Being an avid hiker and lover of the Pacific Coast, I chose to work with this plant medicine in my daily meditation practice.

To my amazement, one dab of this evergreen essential oil, onto my collar or a cotton clothe, would heal me of common colds and sinus infections. Did it work? Yes, it did. I was hooked to say the least.

I bought up any essential oil that either had a pretty name, or smelled heavenly.

Boy was I wrong!

Did you know that essential oils are used in organic farming to kill insects, fungus and weeds? Sound earth friendly if it is organic right? WRONG...

Did you know that the human body is made up of primarily bacteria and viruses?