Friday, December 19, 2014

IC Pain

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

A painful sensation (fire and brimstone) in the bladder area. IC affects mostly women and is often confused with frequent bladder infections. IC affects close to 12 million women worldwide.  Most western treatments offered by doctors (drug company reps) can cause serious complications. Most of which are never shared to the patient before agreeing to start treatment.

This blog focuses on safe alternatives that have worked to improve my life considerably. I am a healer (organic herbs, roots, bark, spirit guides, energy work, diet), not a board certified doctor (drugs, 10 minute consultations, over charged, over worked, out of touch, careless, lazy).

All information I share freely, is to help others overcome the deadly cycle that western medicine often creates. *Please read my disclaimer below.

My life was turned upside down earlier this year. Doctors who had prescribed a month long treatment of antibiotics for what they thought was an infection in my neck, ended up killing all of  the good gut flora in my system. In turn, leaving me open to deadly diseases like Swine Flu, C-Diff and others.  Thier only “help” for my new weakend state was more tests, more antibiotics, more hospital stays.

After the money and trust in western medicine ran out, I was forced to learn of alternative medicines. Being a seasoned internet researcher, I quickly found that I was not alone in my struggles.

I found one report after the next of how a supposedly new drug would be “sold” to patients as a wonder cure all, only to learn on their own later that this drug caused even more damage down the road.

Interstitial Cystitis is the latest challenge I have accepted to overcome.

Some quick facts on IC

Some research suggests that IC is a combination of three health problems:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Painful Bladder Syndrome

all of which I have in one form or another...

IC Symptoms can include:

  • Painful intercourse
  • Painful urination
  • Painful reaction to diet
  • Frequent urination
  • Depression
  • Bowel distress

What agitates IC?

  • Stress that causes you to tighten your pelvic and bladder area. Fear, insecurities and pent up aggression.
  • Diet - Onions, tomatoes, acidic fruits and cranberry will increase painful sensations in your bladder
  • Sex - having sex while you're dry? Not a good idea. Learn how to hydrate your feminine areas naturally and safely.
  • Constipation - learn how to naturally balance out your bowel system to ease gas,bloating and pain.
  • Dehydration or too much liquid at one time.
  • Alcohol is adding fuel to the IC fire pain.
  • Cold - When you get cold, your body tenses up causing stress on your bladder. Try to bundle up and stay at an average, comfortable body temperature.
  • Other items to be discussed.

This is a simple fix. Something you can control and learn from.

  • Modify your diet. Easy
  • Take delicious herbs to tonify and heal you. Yum!
  • Scream into a pillow, write down what pissed you off and burn it and other fun self spa fun you get to do.
  • Follow through. When you start to feel better, stick to the plan. Be awesome. ;)

As of to date, (according to drug companies) there is not a cure for IC, only solutions to help manage the symptoms.  I would like to share natural remedies that have helped improve the quality of my life as well as put me on the road to an IC cure.

Diet has been a huge part of my healing process. There is nothing more motivating than IC pain. One meal with onions, cooked or raw, and in less than an hour, I am feeling the painful affects. Thankfully I have learned by experience how to counter that pain and bring close to instant relief.

My go to action to stop immediate pain is the hot sitz bath. Hot water calms the stinging pain of cystitis on contact. Adding baking soda and other herbs as needed can help reduce the acid in your bladder.  Learn positions, recipes and tips for best results here.

Please be patient with me as I am not a writer, but have a good heart and intention to help as many women as I can.  This blog as well as others I am sharing on, will be my way to help others as well as generate an income for myself. Stress is a huge factor in IC flare ups. I hope that by sharing helpful information to others and working with my passions, I can create residual income to help take the load off of my single mom financial duties. I plan to resell books, herbs, advertising and healing tools that I have used in my journeys, all of which have led to my well being. I plan on creating a class to help other women do the same. Stay tuned. ;)

I created this blog to share the knowledge and positive experiences with other women in need. I welcome your questions, feedback and expertise. Please leave your comments below, share on Facebook and Pinterest.

Do you have a positive IC story to share? Please comment below and I will be in touch soon.

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